Pat Bates runs a Montessori school in her home. She came across the Amman Imman : Water is Life article in Tomorrow's Child and got her students involved in fundraising for Amman Imman. Here is Pat's story:
Our small school, Montessori of Maryknoll, in Glen Ellyn, Illinois is in my home. My enrichment class of 7 Kindergarten age students was studying Africa when Tomorrow's Child arrived. We went on the website and watched the video of Ariane. We wanted to do something and we were out of time for the school year to organize a walk. We quickly did a bake sale/lemonade stand and raised $200. We are sending a check this week to the Friendship Caravan.Yesterday, the Friendship Caravan received the $200 check from Pat Bates and her students. I agree with Pat. As we give consciously and with love, we receive a gift: appreciation for our lives. If we all chip in, even a little bit, we add to the greater whole, bringing the hope of water one step closer to reality for the people of the Azawak.
We discussed that if everyone does a little, it will add up to a lot. We estimated costs and number of schools needed, etc. It was a great math work as well.
I believe our students came out of this experience better aware of the many gifts their lives contain and the sense of power that they can connect and contribute their skills for the betterment of others. Thank you for providing the opportunity.
It is wonderful for students to recognize that each of their efforts makes a difference.
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