Ariane Kirtley and several Amman Imman volunteers attended Breakthrough: the Women Faith and Development Summit To End Global Poverty held at the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. on April 13th and 14th. Leaders from the faith, women and development communities came together to form an alliance and announce their commitments to end global poverty by empowering women and girls.
- Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Honorary Breakthrough Summit Co-Chair, spoke to the audience by video: "Women and girls around the world face great challenges. They bear an unjust burden and this must change for the benefit of all humanity. We must act with common purpose and speak with one voice to change global policies and global wills so that gender justice and an end to poverty can be achieved."
- Former U.S. Secretary of State Madeline Albright's keynote address reflected the spirit of the event when she stated the powerful message that "Poverty is not a force of nature - it is a choice. What we have the ability to choose, we have the power to change."
- Actress and Global Youth Aids Ambassador Ashley Judd spoke on several issues including management of the world water in the developing world.
Ariane had a chance to speak to the Council about the needs of women and children in the Azawak, emphasizing that in order for women to benefit from education, health care and economic opportunities, attention must first be given to basic needs such as having adequate clean water. Her passionate plea was met was met by a round of applause, and an affirmation from MC Mary Robinson.
Through participation in the Leadership Council, several important connections for Amman Imman were fostered.
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