Amman-a-thon Planning Guide

The Amman-a-thon is a fitness fundraiser, designed for younger students to engage their intelligence on mulitple levels: physically through practicing their athletic skills, mathematically through counting and multiplying, emotionally by sharing their compassion, and socially through taking conscious action toward something they care about. 

Please take a look at the Amman-a-thon Planning Guide below.  Consider engaging your 6-9 year old students in practicing their skills for a greater purpose.  This is a really fun activity that the children will be excited about!

If you like what you see here, please contact me and I will send you the supporting documents including the Amman-a-thon Activity and Sponsorship Chart, a sample letter for parents, Hero of Compassion certificate and a Corporate Sponsor pledge form. us raise $50,000 to finish the Montessori Well of Love this spring!

Amman a Thon Planning Guide


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